We don’t realise in our busy life but colours impact our life in many ways.

Have you ever noticed the colour of the wall of spiritual place? If you visited one you will remember it’s mostly white. I am very sure each one of you must have felt a calm within once you inside. White is the colour of peace and clarity, it’s cleansing in nature and hence most of the spiritual place you will find in white colour. Colours plays a very significant role in our life. As per science experts vision is the most used sense organ amongst our six sense and anything pleasing to our eyes does enhance rest of the sense and in overall makes us feel good.


Colour is been an integral part of our evolution. Nature needs a balance, a balance of give and take. Though excessive of green leaf is required for any tree to grow. While to sustain the variety and expand they need more attractive colours, which comes from colourful flowers. Flower are the most important part of a tree, as only flowers can make them expand to the places through pollination. We as human also need right exposure of colours in our life in order to evolve in balance.


Speaking of balance our food is an important part which keeps our body and mind in balance. We all know how important it is to have a balance of carb, protein, vitamins and minerals in our body. The most looked upon food culture in the world is of Japanese. And their food tradition is based on rules of five. Rules of five is basically the presence of five colours in every meal i.e. Black, white, red, yellow and green, the five technique of cooking and five important flavors. Similarly the Use of colours (selection), the technique of application (use of texture or amount) and the mood (The impact) it create. Put it all together brings balance in the place you live.


The most prominent way we see colours is in our clothing. The use of colours in clothing also started in a very fascinating way. It was a thought through adaptation to bring balance in the nature. One of the example from history the traditional dress of Rajasthan is a dark colour dress with lots of colourful embroideries and mirror work. Most of the Rajasthan is desert and nature has mostly sand and minimal colours unlike the hills and other area. So those colourful embroideries were done on dresses to bring some balance in the nature. Also the dark colour can be identified from a long distance in a desert and the mirror worked a reflectors in strong sun, which would help people to find the lost one. So along with colours relevant accessories plays an important role.


Hence presence of right colour at the right place with some individuality can bring us abundance and prosperity in our living!! And what’s better than to start with your constant source of recharge: your home!!